All posts by jjokerdude

SiIvaGunner Sprites

On two separate occasions, I created low resolution animations of characters for SiIvaGunner videos. The first was for the channel’s false ending, in 2016, and the second was for the Haunted House Fusion Collab. I was really proud of some of them, so here they are!

Title Theme & Ending

While some characters in this collaboration already had existing sprites that could just be dropped in (such as Grand Dad and Felix the Cat), others needed to be created from scratch or modified to fit the environment.

Homer’s sprites were taken from the Simpsons arcade game, then scaled down and cleaned up. Haruka’s appearance was based on a reference image that was sent to me (my version uses an 8-bit palette, but the version in the final video uses a 16-bit palette.) I gave her a 6-frame walk cycle, which I recycled for Nozomi’s sprites. Mudbone’s sprites were modeled after Simon Belmont’s walk in Castlevania. Smol Nozomi and the Bean were done from scratch.

The Kirby sprite went unused, but it was a reference to a running gag on the server. It was made using sprites from Kirby’s Adventure.

Haunted House Fusion Collab

Many of the sprites in this collab were from existing game sprites, but scaled down and silhouetted. There were a bunch that I created from scratch or modified.

The Beast’s walk cycle is based on the full Beast sprite I made in 2016, with a simple 4-frame walk cycle. Hamoud and MIDIJam sax were made using keyframes of videos with larger resolutions. Similarly, Buck Bumble and the Beatles were taken from larger images, and animated manually. Leonidas was based on Richter Belmont’s sprites, and Spiderman’s were taken from a Sega Genesis Spider-Man game, but I added his pizza delivery box. Rubber Hose 8-Bit Beast and the Sentry Buster were created from scratch.

And as a bonus, here are a couple shots I animated in Flash. The high quality Beast walk from the Ambience segment, and the Beast doing the Caramelldansen dance.


This is an extended version of Cache Boss, although not the “complete” version. At the point where the song would originally cut out and become a piano midi of Haunted House, it instead continues with a Bit Shifter-styled rendition of Snow Halation. Next, the Nutshack theme is heard, using the BRK sample as a custom instrument, a reference to LSDJ, the tracker Bit Shifter uses. Next, there’s a Haunted House section, followed briefly by the Jetsons theme. The song ends abruptly with a “cart crash” joke (another LSDJ reference, as crashing is a common occurrence when performing using Game Boys), followed by the sound of the Game Boy being restarted, and ending with more BRK gadunks.

This was uploaded during the “finale” fake-out event. When I submitted this rip, fans had traced the “mystery meme” back to Cache Boss, and I wanted to hint that the mystery was still unsolved. By the time it was uploaded, however, Haunted House had already been discovered by the fans.

This rip was featured on Highest Quality Video Game Rips: Volume 7: Part mm2wood.

Health Update (Extended Mix) – Captain Novolin

This is the theme that plays when Captain Novolin is thinking about his doctors’ advice, but it becomes a parody of California Gurls by Katy Perry. The doctor’s voice in the intro was recorded by Chris DePew, and the singing voice is mine. The lyrics reference healthy tips for diabetics, as well as an infamous typo from the game (“check you feet”), and a few inside jokes between Chris and me. If you’d like to sing along, the lyrics are listed below.

This rip was featured on GiIvaSunner’s Highest Quality Video Game Rips: Volume 7.

Mm. Goddamn. This. Is. My jam.
Mm. Goddamn. This. Is. My jam.

Mm. Check you feet, and don’t forget to check your glucose.
Before you eat, inject your usual insulin dose.
Put down that cake, you’re diabetic, don’t be reckless. (Goddamn.)
You’ll be fine if you stick, to your recommended breakfast. (Meal plan.)

Have a half a banana, some peanut butter toast, a bowl of cereal,
And a beautiful glassa, some tasty milk. Mm! Mmm-mmm-mmm~

Have a glass of milk, it’s really good for you,
Apple, crackers, afternoon snack. (Mm.)
Check you feet before you put on your shoes.
Mmm-mmm-mm, mm, mmm-mmm-mmm,

Have a glass of milk, it’s really good for you,
Turkey sandwich, go to bed. *smooch*
Test your blood sugar, though, before you do.
Mmm-mmm-mm, mm, mmm-mmm-mmm,

Have a glassa, have a glassa milk,
Have a glassa, have a glassa milk,
Have a glassa

K.K. House – Animal Crossing: City Folk

This is a bait and switch, where following the intro, a K.K. Slider cover of Haunted House plays. The joke is simply that “House” is in the title. K.K. Slider covers make up a huge part of my Youtube channel, so not only was I excited to cover Haunted House in the style of a live K.K. performance, but I was finally able to contribute a K.K. cover for SiIvaGunner. Rather than modify an existing MIDI, I built this arrangement from the ground up, and tried to come up with a unique, but believable K.K. Slider sound for each instrument in Haunted House.

This rip was featured on Volume 8-Bit Beast.

Cobalt Scar (Othmir Beach) – EverQuest

This is the song that plays near a passive group of otter folk in EverQuest, but I turned it into a medley of memes and other themes. It starts with a fakeout: the midi steel drums have been replaced with the ones from “Crank That” by Soulja Boy, followed by the snaps, and Soulja Boy’s voice, before returning to the midi steel drums playing the Nutshack theme. The other segments, in order are: Meet the Flintstones, Megalovania, Gangplank Galleon, Haunted House, Snow Halation, Bloody Tears, U Guessed It, Go My Way, Pokemon Go Song, SMB3 Overworld, Gourmet Race, Axel F, U.N. Owen Was Her?, Cruel Angel’s Thesis, the Simpsons, the EverQuest theme, Green Hill Zone, and SMW Overworld. The song ends with the notes from Crank That.

This rip was featured on Highest Quality Video Game Rips: Volume 7: Part mm2wood.

Dark Castle (Neon Laboratory) – Kirby Planet Robobot

This is actually just Haunted House, pitch corrected to the Puzzle Room theme from Kirby Planet Robobot. Puzzle Room was a recurring meme on the channel, which was commonly used to troll the fans. Since Haunted House was my attempt at trolling the fans, I combined the two songs, and picked a different title from the Planet Robobot soundtrack with the word “Castle” in it. This may have been one of my more mean-spirited jokes, as fans were actually hoping for a rip of Dark Castle. I would later try to make it up to the fans by submitting a different rip.

This rip was featured on Volume 8-Bit Beast.

Castle Boss – New Super Mario Bros. Wii

This is the theme that plays when fighting a boss in New Super Mario Bros. Wii, but the main lead has been replaced with Haunted House. Castle Boss is the alternate title of Haunted House, found within the NSF header information, which is the entire basis of this rip. This is the first Haunted House mashup on the channel, as opposed to being a melody swap, bait and switch, or sequenced arrangement.

This rip was featured on GiIvaSunner’s Highest Quality Video Game Rips: Volume 7.