All posts by jjokerdude

MAGFest 2017 – Open Mic set

This is an assortment of songs I played at Chipspace Open Mic in 2017. This was the first year SiIvaGunner was a guest at MAGFest, so I wanted to create a High Quality Rip inspired set. The full set list is as follows:

00:00 – All Star (MAGShrek’d Remix – 2017 Edition)
02:47 – Metal Crusher (LSDJ remix)
03:50 – Wood Crusher (Woodman melodyswap)
04:45 – Steep Halation (LSDJKK Cover with intentionally inaccurate minor scale Snow Halation)
06:59 – Cache Full Boss (Deluxe Edition)

Dark Castle – Kirby’s Dream Land 2

This is an LSDJ remix of the music that plays in Level 7 of Kirby’s Dream Land 2. Actually, it’s a remix of the Planet Robobot version. I felt bad for tricking people with Dark Castle (Neon Laboratory) and wanted to make an unironically good rip of that song. I decided to make a Shyabeetus remix, with arps, wave channel wubs, and of course, some Haunted House and Puzzle Room. I don’t think anyone understood my intentions, but it was a fun project nonetheless. It also fit in with the Christmas event, as one of the themes was Planet Robobot. I made sure to include Snow Halation and Haltmann’s theme as well.

This rip was featured on Rips of Christmas Past and Now That’s What I Call Quality!

What a Surprise! (Beta Mix) – Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix

This is a cover of Haunted House using sleigh bells for every instrument. “What a Surprise!” is exclusive to the Final Mix version of Kingdom Hearts II, and plays during enemy encounters in the Christmas Town side of the Nightmare Before Christmas-themed world. The joke is that Haunted House is a Halloween source, but this rip appeared during the Christmas event. The title is also pretty fitting. It feels both genuine (“What a surprise! Haunted House is back!”) and sarcastic (“What a surprise! THIS again!”)

This rip was featured on Rips of Christmas Past.

Health Update (Holiday Mix) – Captain Novolin

This is a parody of Santa Claus is Coming to Town, with the instrumental set in the style of the Health Update theme. The lyrics were mostly written by Chris De Pew, and sung by me. This parody is a lot less informative than Glassafornia Gurls, and a lot more threatening, as the doctor is very sternly telling the listener to take their diabetes seriously and stop eating so many holiday sweets. The lyrics are listed below.

This rip was featured on Rips of Christmas Past.

You’d better watch out, your sugar is high,
Better throw out that food or you’ll die,
Glassa Claus be comin’ fo you,

I’m making a list, of things you can eat,
Follow it close, I know when you cheat,
Glassa Claus be comin’ fo you.

I see what you’ve been eatin’, I know it’s a mistake,
I know when you ain’t drink yo milk, so put down that goddamn cake. Mm.

You’d better watch out, you better not try,
Puttin’ that ice cream onto that pie,
Glassa Claus be comin’ fo you!

Jorkker: Half-Orc, Half-Crab

In 2016, I joined my first Dungeons and Dragons campaign. During character creation, I decided to make a half-orc. When told that I could choose the orc’s second race, my roommate joked “crab,” and the DM allowed it. So, I made a crab-orc monk, and assigned all my points into strength. After a few sessions, I decided to draw him, accompanied by his character sheet and some visuals.

Castle Boss – 8-Bit Beast’s Haunted House

This is just the Nutshack theme in the style of Haunted House. It was the first rip to be uploaded as “8-Bit Beast’s Haunted House,” and was intended to be a fake ending for the Haunted House rips. It was followed by “Haunted House – 8-Bit Beast’s Haunted House,” ending the first Halloween event. The thumbnail is a title screen I put together for an imaginary Haunted House game for the NES. It’s meant to be a hardware accurate 8-bit depiction of the album art I made for Ap0c’s Haunted House album. I went on to use the assets from this fake title screen to create the environment for the Haunted House Fusion Collab.

This rip was featured on Volume 8-Bit Beast.

Serious – MOTHER 3

This is one of the battle themes from MOTHER 3, but it becomes a cover of mm2wood. This was a lot of fun to make. MOTHER 3 has multiple guitar chord samples, which is a clever way to include a fuller sound with fewer sound channels. They ended up working perfectly for mm2wood’s piano chords (after a bit of pitch shifting), and there were exactly enough channels to fit the rest of the song. I’m not entirely sure whether this arrangement would work on the original sound hardware, but I tried my best to emulate that.

This rip was featured on Volume 8-Bit Beast.

Castle Lololo – Kirby’s Dream Land

This is the song that plays in the second level of Kirby’s Dream Land, but it becomes a Castlevania medley. The stage takes place in a castle, and the rip references every location in the first Castlevania game, followed by Haunted House (AKA Castle Boss).

A little backstory: Kirby and Castlevania are two of my favorite video game series. In 2010, a dream project of mine was to have Kirby’s Dream Land recreated in 2.5D. I started making Castlevania remixes in the style of Kirby’s Dream Land songs for a hidden “Alucard Mode,” and my favorite was a Castle Lololo styled rendition of Vampire Killer. I even made a version using Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland instruments, but never actually released it to the public. This rip was my attempt to revisit the idea. It was also a subtle reference to the second song I ever performed as Shyabeetus, a Castlevania series medley titled Castle Incarnate.

This rip was featured on Volume 8-Bit Beast.

Creepy Castle – Donkey Kong 64

This is the theme that plays in the Creepy Castle stage, but with the melody and chords replaced with Haunted House. This was meant to be a sister rip to Creepy Castle Boss, which was one of my more popular Haunted House rips. The rip also features the Wood Man stage music from Mega Man 2, as mm2wood was one of the themes of the Halloween event.

This rip was featured on Volume 8-Bit Beast.