All posts by jjokerdude

Well of Souls skins

Well of Souls is a shareware online RPG from 1998. It allowed players to design their own character skins to play through the default world, Evergreen, or even build their own worlds, complete with graphics, music, and scripts. While online, players could send each other their custom skins, meaning any given server could contain a diverse cast of characters. The game is over 20 years old, and people still occasionally play online. Every few years I revisit the game and make a few skins. I’ll post the non-copyrighted ones here whenever I make more.

Click a skin to download it.

Crabby Telegram Stickers

Several years back, I created a sticker pack for my crab character. If you have Telegram, you can add the pack here! If you don’t use Telegram, don’t worry. You can view them here!

Josh Running (in 3 Styles)

I made these back in 2015 (when I still had hair!) I wanted to demonstrate that I could animate traditionally, as well as imitate 8-bit and 16-bit graphics, and ended up using different methods for each. From left to right:

  • The 8-bit sprite fits within 16×24 pixels, allowing him to fit in with most NES player sprites. I limited the color palette to 4 colors (including transparency), and only used three unique frames of animation.
  • The 16-bit sprite was drawn and shaded in Flash, without using outlines. Each color was exported separately, brought into Photoshop, and dithered down to a few colors, limiting the color palette to 8 colors (including transparency.) There are 7 frames, and the sprite fits within 32x64px.
  • The Flash animation uses 12 frames and follows no specific limitations.

Carl’s Adventure

Back in 2015 my buddy Carl Doonan asked me to write him some music for his demo reel. He hummed a little tune and sent it to me, and I wrote a bouncy Kirby-styled song around it. I even incorporated his humming into the final track.

I wasn’t familiar with FamiTracker, so I wrote the tune in LSDJ, then added the DPCM drums in post. A trained ear can tell the difference between the NES and Game Boy’s channels, but my ears sure couldn’t.

Pumpkin-Flavored Eggnog

This was my first single released to Bandcamp. It’s an original song, named after the season that makes me happiest: autumn! It didn’t have to be based on anything, really, I just wanted to write a happy tune.

Someone Stole All of the Lyrics

A year after Storm Blooper Special: Someone Stole All of the Remixes, we released Volume 2, featuring even more renditions of Storm Blooper’s song. In addition to contributing the ice cream truck sound in the intro track, I submitted an arranged version of Someone Stole All of the Ice Cream with my own lyrics. Scroll down to sing along!

Someone stole all the ice cream,
Now I’m quite saddened,
Wish I had bought some,
Sadly I hadn’t.
I need some ice cream,
I’m on a mission,
I need my daily

Could someone point me in the right direction,
All I want is to purchase that tasty confection
Can’t someone, anyone, help me to acquire,
The creamy deliciousness that I so desire.

Stole all…
Of the…
Ice cream…

Someone stole all the ice cream,
Why can’t I find it?
Here is the freezer,
Nothing behind it.
Nothing can beat my,
Frozen obsession,
I’ll just melt into

(BRK solo)

Neopolitan, mint chocolate chip,
banana split, topped with cool whip
orange sorbet, vanilla bean,
coffee chip, filled with caffeine

Strawberry swirl, pistachio,
And don’t forget cookie dough,
Please wake me up from this bad dream,
So I can get my ice cream!

Who stole all of the ice cream,
I have a craving
If I don’t get some,
I’ll stop behaving.
I’ll have that ice cream,
Some day, I swear it,
And when I do I
Won’t share it.

Glassa Milk

A timeless tale about a man and some milk. Mm.
The main artwork comes from the Super Nintendo game Captain Novolin. I created the different mouths and hand in Photoshop, and animated them to Chris DePew‘s voice in After Effects.

Captain Novolin is a game about a superhero with type 2 diabetes. Before each stage, this doctor character tells the captain what he is allowed to eat, and this often includes a glass of milk. Chris and I refer to this character as Dr. Glassa.