Well of Souls is a shareware online RPG from 1998. It allowed players to design their own character skins to play through the default world, Evergreen, or even build their own worlds, complete with graphics, music, and scripts. While online, players could send each other their custom skins, meaning any given server could contain a diverse cast of characters. The game is over 20 years old, and people still occasionally play online. Every few years I revisit the game and make a few skins. I’ll post the non-copyrighted ones here whenever I make more.
Click a skin to download it.
Crabby, my original crab character. Joksar, my Iksar Monk from EverQuest. Joksar, wearing the Robe of the Lost Circle. Joksar, wearing the Robe of the Whistling Fists. Tailyscale, my friend’s Necromancer Monk from EverQuest. Tailyscale, wearing his default robe. Tailyscale, wearing the Froglok Bonecaster’s Robe. Tailyscale, wearing the Guardian Robe. The disembodied head of Captain Novolin’s dietitian.